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What is consumer buying behavior?

Consumer buying behavior refers to the decisions and actions people undertake to buy products or services for personal use. In other words, it’s the actions you take before buying a product or service, and as you will see, many factors influence that behavior. You and all other consumers combine to make up the consumer market.

What is consumer behavior & why is it important?

In other words, it’s the actions you take before buying a product or service, and as you will see, many factors influence that behavior. You and all other consumers combine to make up the consumer market. It stands to reason that the hundreds of millions of people who make up the global consumer market don’t all buy the same products and services.

What is the history of consumer buying behavior?

The study of consumer buying behavior has a rich history that spans over a century. The first research on the topic was conducted by John Dewey in the early 1900s, who examined how advertising affects consumer behavior.

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